With all the information out there in the internet, things can get a bit confusing on how to lose weight & permanently keep it off. Here in this article we discuss things on different types of diets & why you should get on them, which you should not do if you have certain conditions Start of a new beginningIf you’re looking for an easy fix to weight loss, you will not find it here, but If you want to make actual changes to your lifestyle to permanently feel better, be healthier, improve your mood, mind & body, then this article that you can read to use as a guide to lose weight healthily & keep it away with simple actionable steps you can do daily. One of the many reasons that many people fail to follow a diet for weight loss is either it leaves you feeling hungrier, unsatisfied, or just hard to follow through(impractical). These dieting tips may help you avoid any of the common pitfalls, & create a relationship that is healthy & conscious lifestyle bringing you an overall lifestyle change. It’s really not that hard if you start small.
Weight management is heavily dependant on your lifestyle which incorporates the principles of healthy eating & a more active lifestyle. For most of us, different diets affects us differently from how our body reacts chemically speaking, genetics, & of course the obvious lifestyle activities. Truth be told, there is no “one size fits all” solution to permanent healthy weight loss, rather there is a “one size fits all” in terms of conscious eating & lifestyle choices. Lifestyle Changes30 days Goals The hardest thing to do is to be able to create a new habit out of the current lifestyle. We are beings of habitual patterns, meaning, our brains/ body will try to make us come back to something we are used to doing, because we naturally don’t like to do things that are new as they’re uncomfortable & daunting to learn maybe do. It takes about 30 days of consistent effort to make a new activity a habit that will turn into a small lifestyle adjustment but for some even this may be a hard thing to do, so you have to find one thing, just one thing to repeatedly do in the physical world & be able to do it consistently without pain.
No chair challengeThis tops the list for lifestyle change as most of us are broken from the invention of the chair. It has made us change our posture towards a not so optimal one, increase compensation of our muscles, be more passive & so much other musculoskeletal conditions which is associated with sitting too much. Sitting on chairs too frequently removes the need to use certain muscles, muscles that we developed and relied on as babies. Now, when we sit not he floor, we quickly start to ache, thus causing us to compensate by slouching & what started out as a natural sitting position is now turned into a strenuous & forceful activity which is just sitting on the floor! Sitting on the floor improves flexibility, strength, posture, & increase metabolic rate (this is from the fact that you will move more freely than just sitting in a chair being passive with no room to move). There are a few positions that you can expose your body to to help with ease into floor sitting to be the next natural thing to do. Kneeling: This will help you stretch your toes, ankle joints, knees & hips(think childs pose in yoga) Squatting: This will help you stretch & move your toes, ankle joints, knees, hips and spine. Make sure to keep your heels on the floor to ensure that no pressure is being directed to the knees. Cross legged: Usually associated to asians being able to do this & the full squat resting position. Cross legged sitting needs time for those who have been in a chair for quite some time(desk bod job etc). Spend 1-2 minutes & move around around not to stay trying to sit on the floor, & work your duration till comfortable! Food that burn fats Boosting your metabolic rate can help you lose body fat, exercise is one of them, & the other is as simple as eating something that will help facilitate just that! Eating consciously will help you eat better for both aesthetics & wellbeing, start with these few natural foods below: Fish Fish such as salmon, sardines, & mackerel are known to be rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which will help you utilise the fats for fuel. In a 6 weeks controlled study in 44 adults who took fish oil supplements, lost a whopping 1.1 pounds of fats, whom also dropped in their cortisol(stress hormone that is closely related to fat storage We’re pretty sure you have come across an article or know someone who’s told you that fish oil or fats found in fish is good for you, well, turns out they’re right all along. If you haven’t then read on! Scientists have discovered that one of the most important components in this fish oil is called polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). We now know that the fatty acids in this oil help us to keep the cholesterol in our bodies to a minimum, & as well, learnt that the oils from the fish also help to burn fat and maintain the body's cells. Once we understand how fish oils can help us to lose fat, we will be able to cut down on those foods that are high in fats. This means that there will be no more scoops of ice cream that have a lot of fats(maybe once in a while rather than once every other day). Although the types of foods that are high in fats that can be avoided, includes items such as fried foods, burgers, chocolate, cakes, chips, sweets, snacks, biscuits, well you know what we’re talking about. Not all fats are made equal! If unsure always seek a qualified dietician or nutritionist. Contrary to Nosy Nancy’s advise, vegetables are not high in fats, to which, some may be high in starch which can easily get stored into our bodies, making it difficult to lose weight. Also, this causes us to get sluggish as our metabolism does not work very well. Now that we know how to use these oils as energy, we will be able to make sure that our metabolism is working properly & that we will be burning more calories than we are eating. These oils are very effective for helping you lose excess weight. If you do not feel like you are using enough fats as energy, seek advise from a qualified professional on this as having a high intake of even good fats can be damaging to you. While many people think that only people who live near the sea can use the fish oil. However, there are many people who can benefit from this type of oil in many different ways. They include people who are recovering from certain health conditions, diabetics, and those who are suffering from heart conditions, to aesthetics. Using the oil to burn calories will also allow people who have lost a lot of weight to feel better with overall improvements in your wellbeing. When you consume higher higher fatty acids in your diet, you will stay fuller longer & make better food choices not when you keep crashing from high sugared diets. You may even be able to make the extra pounds disappear without resorting to fad diets or crash diets. People who are diabetic should try to use foods that are rich in unsaturated fats. Most companies manufacture foods which are high in unsaturated fats and these include sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, olive oil, and peanut oil. Omega 3, which is a type of fatty acid, should also be considered. It has been shown that fats can be used as energy. The fats found in fish will be very useful for burning calories, and they can also help keep cholesterol levels to a minimum. Eating foods that are high in fats as energy is a way to lose weight and keep the weight off. Unsaturated fats, which are those found in olive oil, can be used as sources of fats for the body. These fats are essential because they can replace the essential fats that have been removed by the digestive system. Fatty acids that are stored in the liver, which are known as DHA and EPA, can also be replaced by fish oils. In addition to the advantages of using fats as energy, studies have shown that some of these oils can be useful for treating mental illness. or even preventing other diseases. As these oils are also used as sources of energy, they can be used to keep our mind sharper and will help our memory function better. MCTs MCTs is shorts for - medium chain triglycerides.Triglyceride is simply the technical term for fat. Triglycerides have two main purposes — they are either burned for energy or stored as body fat. MCTs is a type of fat that is metabolised differently than the long chain fatty acids, which is found in most foods. If you are thinking about adding MCT oil to your diet, you may be wondering how does it helps burn fats. As they hold a shorter length, MCTs are absorbed after by the body & is sent straight to the liver, where it can be used immediately for energy as an alternative source of energy. The fats in MCT oil are actually saturated which is a type of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). The question, however, is, where do MCTs come from? There are some fat burning foods that have moderate to high amounts of fat, & these foods are easily converted into energy. They include foods such as grains, certain vegetables/ fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, potatoes, and dairy products(they vary in MCTs compositions). The MCT oil that can be found in these foods is what will help to fuel the body during a workout or when you are trying to lose fat. This is because MCT oil has the ability to absorb fats from the gut wall so that they can be used for energy. They can also be found in different oils that are used for cooking such as coconut oil, palm oil, and olive oil. There are many benefits to using MCT oil in your diet and how it helps burn fats. One benefit is that the fats can be digested easily and they are used as an energy source. Another plus point is that these oils can be found almost anywhere. Adding these kinds of fats to your diet will not only provide the necessary fats you need for weight loss, but they are also beneficial for health overall. The oils that are used that contains mostly of LCT's(long chain triglycerides), & are not particularly good for the body because they have too much saturated fatty acids. These fats are not used well by the body. What is needed, is a low SFA (saturated fatty acid) oil that contains medium chain triglycerides. The fatty acids that can be found in these oils are beneficial for the body because they are able to be used for energy without storing excess oils as fats(yes too much oils can be stored as fats!). Many of these oils can be found in many countries, which includes, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, India, and others. You can also find MCT oils in health food stores that sell supplements or you can buy them online. Many healthy recipes are now adding MCTs & can be easily found through many ebooks. Adding MCT to your diet will help you to burn fats and help your body to metabolise them efficiently. Mix it up Eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables is a great way to burn your calories by burning fat. Fruit and vegetables are filled with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, phytonutrients, and many other nutrients that help in weight loss and health. Many studies have shown that eating a diet low in calories can prevent many types of cancers, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and even aids in losing weight. It helps in digestion and also makes you feel full after the meal. Eating fruits and vegetables are a great way to make sure that you are not only getting all the nutrients you need but to lose weight as well. Most fruits and vegetables are composed of monounsaturated fats, which are essential for maintaining health. Monounsaturated fats come from vegetable oils such as soybean oil, sesame oil, and canola oil. These are good for heart health, health of the brain, immune system, and even weight loss. Another healthy fats you can consume are those found in nuts, olive oil, and olives. These foods are all rich in monounsaturated fats, and some have even been proven to increase weight loss by up to 25 percent. Other common vegetable oils that contains monounsaturated fats are sunflower oil, peanut oil, and extra virgin olive oil. These healthy fats are recommended to be consumed with every meal(look for non processed oils). Most vegetables are rich in minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients that help maintain health and ward off free radical damage. The sunflower seeds and almonds contain antioxidants that help protect your body from free radicals and also prevent cancer. Avocado oil is known to lower bad cholesterol, strengthen your bones, and improve your vision. You can add avocado oil to anything you like, whether it is spread on toast or mixed into a smoothie. You should also look for oils that contain high levels of antioxidants because avocado and olive oils contain a compound called beta-carotene. This compound has been shown to reduce fat build up in the body. When you eat this healthy fat in the form of oil, you are also helping to produce vitamin E, which is important for healthy eyesight and other skin benefits. Olive oil is also beneficial for the health of the arteries and as an anti-inflammatory agent. Adding it to oatmeal, smoothies, or salads is another way to enjoy the benefits of monounsaturated fats. Because these fats are considered healthy fats, you can eat them in place of saturated fats and cholesterol and still enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and a reduced risk of developing diabetes and other diseases related to eating unhealthy foods. Omega 3 fats are even included in the monounsaturated fats that are found in the avocado oil and olive oil. Olive oil is a wonderful source of vitamin E, which is essential for healthy eyes and skin. It has also been shown to improve the function of the blood vessels and blood flow in the arteries, which helps to control blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body. Avocado oil and olive oil are some of the healthy fats that are considered to be essential for the diet. Include them in your diet and take advantage of the many health benefits they provide. Beans Your average bean may not kick your metabolic rate but a coffee can:) Coffee is on of the most popular beverages in just about every rover of the globe, but with it’s benefits. Caffeine can enhance your mood, improve both mental & physical performance, which means more focus throughout the day. Apart from that, it helps you rev up your metabolic rate for fat burning process. Consuming too much coffee on the other hand may however lead to insomnia & increase anxiousness, so to avoid being in this zone, don’t go over 400mg(this is about 1-4 cups) & if you’re caffeine sensitive, strive for half the dosage. There are a few other that you may wish to explore which is products such as green tea extracts & the such. Many people think that caffeine only burns fats, not only do they help you burn fats, they help you improve your mood, physical performance, increase metabolic rate, & mental acuity (sharpness/ focus) which translates to having an amazing day! These benefits can also be simulated by taking in an adequate amount of green tea The caffeine benefits are in addition to weight loss. First, let's discuss the weight loss aspect. We all know that weight loss is not an easy thing to achieve especially when there is a poor diet to keep us motivated. However, it is possible for anyone to lose weight if they follow a healthy diet plan and stick to it. The key to this is to follow a balanced diet that contains all the essential nutrients that the body needs. The caffeine benefits in addition to helping you lose weight are due to the fact that caffeine helps increase metabolism, which in turn results in burning calories. By adding extra calories to your body, your metabolism will increase and you will naturally start to lose weight, strange, but true. It is very important to understand that even if the caffeine benefits are only through weight loss, the rest of the caffeine benefits will be simply because the right amount of caffeine has been added to the diet. Of course, it should be noted that there are side effects with excessive caffeine intake. These include headaches, restlessness, upset stomach, insomnia, and anxiety. Not good. Usually, the side effects experienced by people who are already used to consuming high consumption of caffeine every day, without even knowing about it. Even if caffeine helps burn fats and increase metabolic rate, the caffeine benefits cannot be maximised if you overdo it. Another benefit of caffeine in a diet is the absence of adverse effects on the heart, which is what you should worry about when it comes to the adverse effect of high caffeine intake. With this said, there are instances where caffeine has been known to cause irregular heartbeats where it may lead to heart failure. In fact, too much caffeine can cause heartburn, so it is always suggested to go low with the intake rather than having too much. On the other end there is no way you can overlook the benefits of drinking enough water, as caffeine is considered a diuretic, which means it draws water out of your body system, so it’s good to be mindful on this aspect when you have your caffeine fix or adding caffeine into your diet. You may not be aware that the reason why some people get dizzy after ingesting large amounts of caffeine is because they lack enough water intake. Some people believe that water helps them adjust their bodies temperature and reduce the impact of caffeine, but it may be true that you need the same amount of water without the consumption of any type of caffeine to experience these benefits. Drinking more coffee does not mean you are drinking the same amount of fluids! If you're an avid coffee drinker, then you should check out the coffee bean side effects as well as reading reviews about the different varieties of coffee beans that are available as they each have a particular acidity level to consider as well. In addition, coffee beans help improve the body's immune system and help maintain blood sugar levels. This makes it a good choice for people with diabetes. Coffee beans help improve the blood circulation and body’s performance, which will improve the brain's mental functions and overall memory capacity. ProgrammeThe fastest investment to pay dividends without any risk is exercise. You feel, see & experience the results, it's just, you need a time length aka a goal, & a little determination to see this through. Start or join a 3-4 week programme, it's neither short nor too far away to reach. Determine what you desire to achieve within these few weeks, be realistic & work towards to it. Some of the programmes that you can start can simply be done at home, in a gym studio or even outdoors. One quick way is to do HIIT. The term "HIIT" was originally coined by Mike Geary, in an endeavour to preserve muscle mass while decreasing fat and carbohydrate intake, HIIT is employed. However, for fitness and fat loss benefits, it's important to find out more about the essential components of this regimen. HIIT would be one those that you could do quickly & anywhere, if you haven't read how doing HIIT can be harmful if not done the right way, read it here. It is best known for its ability to boost cardio-vascular health. This helps to increase the speed of metabolism and increased energy expenditure. Furthermore, HIIT improves body composition. Therefore, it's used as a fat loss or fitness program. During training, the primary goal is to engage the muscles to promote greater metabolic activity. This can be done by increasing the rate of muscle group contraction, therefore improving the overall exercise efficiency and reduces the risk of injury. When muscles are effectively contracted, greater energy is required to function. HIIT workout routines concentrate on these key areas and increase the quantity of calories burned through muscle contraction. If you don't have time or access to a gym, join our Online Personalised Training programme so that you can get a programme done for you, simply click here. RopeHIIT The RopeHIIT (pronounced ROPE-IT) system includes four-minute long HIIT workout sessions that are aimed toward improving cardio-vascular health and increasing metabolism. A shorter HIIT session also means that you decrease the chances of injuries. This system provides the body with an endless type of training options and movements. A RopeHIIT class provides a complete body fat loss workout that's focused on cardiopulmonary exercise.
Another good thing about HIIT is its ability to help the body to build more functional strength and improve balance and coordination. Furthermore, it helps the body to adapt to more training by using more body power, increasing muscle mass, getting fitter & leaner. High intensity cardio-vascular workouts, with full-body movement support cardiovascular fitness goals through the event of higher cardiorespiratory demands, endurance & heart rate, also note that unless challenged to adapt to make your cardiovascular system stronger, Cardio-vascular health declines over time as we get older...unless trained! These types of RopeHIIT workouts help to boost overall cardio-vascular health, and as mentioned above, cardio-vascular health is essential for burning more calories and improving overall health. With improved circulation, one will enjoy improved energy state and a far better level of physical performance. Many studies have shown that this sort of fitness program is not only effective but beneficial to overall health and well-being. Cardiovascular fitness has always been the foremost effective means of combating obesity and helping the body to maintain healthy body weight. Also, HIIT routines such as RopeHIIT allows the body to adapt to higher intensity movements. This enables one to lose fat while exercising at higher levels & still keeping true to form because of the short burst of exercise & duration of the ropeHIIT session. The RopeHIIT system includes cardio-vascular exercises to maximise oxygen consumption (VO2max), metabolic conditioning, & cardiac efficiency. Cardiovascular exercise benefits many key health parameters and improves physical performance in many sports be. RopeHIIT has been carefully designed to supply a whole body cardiovascular conditioning exercise program. Some of the added advantages of RopeHIIT sessions includes improved overall cardio-vascular health, increased muscle endurance, balance, core, leaner body, better wellbeing, & increased resting metabolic rate.
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