12/4/2021 1 Comment Free oximeter (spo2)Temasek foundation is offering free oximeters to every Singapore household to help monitor blood oxygen levels. “Silent pneumonia” is one of the most severe consequences of COVID-19, & dangerously low levels of blood oxygen can lead to medical conditions that needs urgent treatment. With the free oximeter, you can monitor detect early signs of any underlying conditions & seek medical attention early. What is an oximeter?An oximeter is a portable apparatus that is used to check blood oxygen levels by looking how much light is absorbed by the blood. This device can emit both infrared and red light through your pointer finger. Oxygenated blood absorbs more infrared light & lets more red light pass through it. Blood with low oxygen saturation absorbs the red light. It is fast, simple and non-invasive. The oximeter carries the ability to measure blood oxygen levels during COVID-19 times. During the day or evening. Are oximeters accurate?Factors such as a weakened circulation skin mass, smoking and nail varnish polishing can affect accuracy, but apart from that most well made medical grade devices can detect pulse rates & measures blood oxygen levels accurately. Our SPO2 oximeter readings help alarm you if you drop to dangerously low oxygen & beeps loudly. Normal oxygen levels for us adults are around 97%-98%, but if you are in the range of dangerously low oxygen levels, you need to know & the portability of these devices are so small that you can fit them in your pockets & travel anywhere with them(stay prepared initiative). Hypoxemia and HypoxiaHypoxemia involves low levels of low oxygen level in your blood. Fatigue or shortness of breath, bluish colours in face and lips, restlessness, chest pain & a rapid pulse rate are typical symptoms. People with COVID-19 or other related medical conditions which affects the breathing feel generally that they breathe harder due to low oxygen levels due to inflammation build up around the lungs. Hypoxia could mean the loss of vital organs & a quick regular check using an oximeter can help avoid your blood oxygen to drop to dangerously low level. It can also cause cardiovascular disease, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder. Is it possible to monitor low oxygen levels with a smartwatch?The smartwatch doesn't measure blood oxygen level for medical standards. The sensors were not tested for medical purposes thus medical oximeters are much more reliable when measuring blood oxygen levels regularly. The place of a watch on your wearable device may affect its accuracy. On pulse oximetry transmission mode is used – oximeter is inserted on the finger and blood flows near the surface. In smartwatches this principle applies the Reflectance Approach: both light sources and sensors are located on one of the sides in the wrist and therefore depend on the light which bounces back. How it worksLow blood oxygen levels can lead to very serious consequences & other symptoms that needs medical help, & using an oximeter can quickly let you monitor blood oxygen levels throughout the day via the oximeter readings. Seriously ill people with damaged lungs will have low blood oxygen levels & may need supplemental oxygen via a machine when left untreated(eg silent pneumonia), & can be worse when infected with COVID-19. Free OximeterReceive one free oximeter which you can monitor blood oxygen levels regularly with our oximeter readings. Our SPO2 device is the only device that allows for a constant readings for blood oxygen level reading so you can use it when you walk, exercises in the gym, or even do breathwork to increase blood oxygen levels in your body. In a collective effort, when you hop onto our membership, you will receive one free oximeter which you can use to help to monitor your blood oxygen levels & gauge how your vital organs are. Check out out membership here to receive your free SPO2 device.
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